Friday, December 5, 2008

Busy day

I had so many great plans for today...but then more and more things kept piling up! I was planning to get the carpets shamppoed and while they were doing that I planned to bake cookies and wrap Christmas presents. Except I was reminded yesterday by a friend about a final in my computer math class....I hadnt even studied! So instead of wrapping gifts I studied like mad and baked cookies (10 dozen cookies!) waiting and waiting for the carpet guys to show up so I could take the test. Finally I called them and they said they werent coming....maybe tomorrow. Argh...I moved all the furniture for nothing! Oh well I could now go take my test. It was very hard....go figure with trying to cram the info in at the last minute! Then I went to exchange some pants at Gottschalks. Oh I for got to mention I was going to have to take Little Bit the cat to the vet but realizing I couldnt do it all I changed that appointment for tomorrow. So after Gottschalks I went to Tyler's high school practice and then together we went to pick up Cameron from day care. Then we picked up some quick dinner and Tylers raffle tickets that he has to sell tonight at the Ice Dog game. Then we dropped Ty at the game (Esther is bringing him back home) and Cam and I returned home to eat dinner and watch Harry Potter! Tomorrow the vet, hopefully the carpets, skating then ending the evening with fireworks in North Pole! :)


Grammy and Gramps said...

You are a flexible person. I hope all went well on the test. How is Little Bit?