Friday, January 30, 2009

25 Random things

1. All my life I pictured myself with two boys...I am so blessed that my dreams have come true with Tyler and Cameron

2. I love to read...anything....I read one to two books a week. history books, romance, mystery, true crime, biographies you name it

3. my favorite smells are cut grass, rain, babies, bread fresh from the oven, cut wood

4. I want to learn to ride a motorcycle

5. My favorite memory of Leo is kissing him in the rain in May

6. Hockey is the best sport of all time, closely followed by soccer, and baseball

7. I used to believe that I was magic. Cameron recently reminded me that I am.

8. I wanted to write childrens books when I grew up...someday maybe I will.

9. I absolutely love to mow the lawn.

10. gardening is one of my favorite things. Even weeding. Nothing is more restful to my mind and spirit

11. Amazing Grace is an all time favorite song. Especially played on bag pipes. It makes me cry. I want it played at my funeral.

12. I want to get a new tattoo. It is going to be the celtic trinity symbol on my lower back. I want to do it before I go to Ireland.

13. There are gnomes and fairies that live in my woods. Cam, Ty and Leo and I have seen their houses and seen where they dance at night.

14. My favorite color is blue. the blue that happens just before the sun rises. not midnight blue but almost.

15. I believe in God.

16. I love vegetables....some fruit too

17. I am beyond excited about the upcoming Ireland trip! I am so glad to be able to share it with family

18. I enjoy my new job...who would have thought!

19. I wish I could get my belly button pierced.

20. I miss my Grandma. She is in Anchorage but I dont get to see her often enough.

21. I wish I could go to Selects with Tyler

22. The attorney I work for called in is going to be a slow day.

23. Thank you Lord for sparing that dog last night. I hit a dog on the way to Tylers hockey game. I couldnt bring myself to call the owner later to see if he was o. Leo called for me and he is doing fine. I dont ever want to drive down that road again.

24. I am trying to decide if I should run for Secretary on Tylers hockey team for high school.

25. I miss my friend Shaune.


Anonymous said...

Great list Lucy. I believe in god too. Glad the dog is ok. Go for the secretary thing. I know you will leave out the drama.

Unknown said...

I agree! Great List! Fun to read and learn some new things about you!