Sunday, July 6, 2008

Sunday at Chena Lakes

We had a picnic lunch at Chena Lakes. It was in the mid to high eighties and everyone enjoyed themselves immensly! There was football throwing, frisbee, sandcastles, slides and swimming! Not to mention a huge amount of food! Here is Cam getting ready for lunch...
Ty throwing the football with D.
Nice catch D!
The beginnings of a castle...
Supposedly going to throw the ball across the lake...real mission....GIRLS!

still building...
needs water....

hmmm....heres a good spot...there are girls nearby to watch!
lots of water!

bringing in the heavy equipment!
Ty and D back....onto some sand tennis!
D uses too many muscles and shatters the racket with his mighty hit...Tyler snickers!
Ty helping Cam enter the water to ask if he can play with the whale...

they said no....oh well, we will have to get some floating toys I guess
What good looking boys!
D. and Ty play frisbee....AKA "make the other guy swim for the Frisbee"!!!

building castles is hard work
"you think castles is hard???? Try scouting girls and trying to look good all day! Thats hard!!!" D. still trying to impress the girls by looking intelligent! This is his representation of "The Thinker"....the chip in hand kind of ruins it though!


Paz said...

We 'Moms' always notice that not so sly moves to get closer to the girls! haha