Saturday, October 11, 2008


I gave Cameron a glow stick to play with in the bathtub last are some pics with and without the flash! Also of the pumpkin he helped carve last night. Today we are cleaning house, making halloween cookies (hope to have pictures later)and of course hanging out at the hockey rink at Tylers games! If he wins these last two games he will be in first place for the league! That will help with seating at State. Of course if we get first or second place there it will be another trip to California for Districts like last year! Good and bad I guess! The helpful part is I was just contacted by two sponsors that they will be getting him a check soon! Yeah we hadnt counted on that so it will help HUGE! :) Sunday we are taking Cam to rec skate again...he loves it! Leo is doing a final hunt that day for ducks in Delta with Kurt. And Monday I have a hockey game. School is going well. I am doing really good in my computer math class. We recently got into some programing. The labs we do are really fun and interesting...the class is boring. My algebra class is going pretty well, I have a B. but I really have to work in that class. We are doing quadratic equations right now....what fun! I will add more pictures from cookie making, and dinner making (pizza in the shape of pumpkins) and of course Tyler skating.


Unknown said...

Some very weird and some very cute pix. Fun to see. Let us know how Ty's games go. We're going to a parade in Hana this morning to celebrate the beginning of Aloha Week. Love you all.