Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Happy Birthday Ty!

I remember this day 15 years ago so well! The day before going into the hospital to have induced labor. Laying in a hospital bed, hanging out with my cousins and Troy waiting for something...anything to happen.....only to be disapointed and told that once again I would be sent home. I just had to wait for the Doctor to sign me out. Just as we were figuring out what we would do to pass the time that evening before coming in to try water broke! Finally a step in the right position!!!! After much struggle and pain and a rapid drop in both mine and Tylers heart rate it was realized that due to his position he would need to be born via c-section. I was excited to finally meet this active being that had given me heart burn and leg cramps just to mention a few things! I had four nurses and two Doctors present while he was born...I didnt realize at the time that this was due to the decline in heart beats for us both. Finally I heard the most beautiful squall I had ever heard....promptly followed by the Dr. telling me that his plumbing worked as he ahd just peed on the Dr! The out him in an incubator next me. I had never seen such a beautiful being before! He had this barrel chest and shock of curly red hair...his eyes were scrunched and he was beet red as he bellowed out his hello to the world! Later as we rested together i checked his toes and fingers and realized with shock that this perfect little being with the amazing blue eyes had come from me! He had been born at 6:32 in the morning...after getting to know him over these 15 years I realize now that the time may very well have had something to do with him screaming as he still looks ready to attack when woken at such an ungodly hour!!! I love you Tyler, Happy Birthday!


Anonymous said...

Gosh they grow up so fast! Hard to believe.....I swear you were just asking me potty training advice in JC Penneys the other day!

Gayle said...

Happy Birthday, Tyler!

Grammy and Gramps said...

Dear Tyler,
I remember this day so well also. Because of you I was promoted to Grand mother. I was so proud of your Mom (and still am). She worked very hard to bring you into the world because she wanted you so much. When I first saw you I physically felt my heart grow with the love that poured into it for you. As you have grown and changed over the years, some things have remained the same. You are still good and kind and I still love you very much.
Love, your Grammy xoxox